helping individuals and small businesses with online marketing
Hello there. Yeahhh, not much to see here. Like so many, I'm soul-searching and struggling with what my future endeavors will be amongst all of the uncertainty that 2020 has laid bare. Meanwhile, I'll keep the lights on here as I contemplate on how my many years of experience can hopefully offer meaningful services to those who are making a difference in making our world a better place. We shall see.
Online Marketing:
Intuitive. I've worked for some of the top companies in the U.S. to local non-profits and small e-commerce businesses adding up to over two decades of effectively promoting their products and services both to businesses and individuals. How? With a focus on offering solutions best for both client and customer.
Now...mix my experience in technology, design and graphics and we're on our way to creating an effective online marketing presence while using technology that is both very user friendly and easy on your budget.
Now...mix my experience in technology, design and graphics and we're on our way to creating an effective online marketing presence while using technology that is both very user friendly and easy on your budget.